15 Foodie Favorites with Vegan Joe



15 FoodIE Favorites with Vegan Joe


Meet Joe, or as we know him, Vegan Joe or @joesveganfoodgram. Joe is a connoisseur of all plant-based meals and we are constantly inspired by his aesthetically pleasing food Instagram. If you don’t follow him already, now is the time to do so. From delectable pizzas, to decadent sandwiches to delicious tacos, his page is loaded with inspiring content. We sat down with Joe to find out his instant favorites — all things food-related, of course. Keep scrolling for beautiful photos that will motivate you to chef it up in the kitchen this week.

1. The best restaurant.

This one is tough! In LA, it’s Nic’s on Beverly or Crossroads. I can’t pick between the two.

2. The best spice.

Flake Sea Salt.

3. The best herb.

Fresh Italian Basil.

4. The best sandwich.

There are 2: Locali’s Vegan Reuben and Fresh’s Buffalo Chick’n Wrap (not a sandwich but the same idea).

5. The food you avoid at all costs.

Obviously anything not vegan…But, I am not a huge fan of Green Bell Peppers.

6. Cocktails or kombucha?

Both, but not together.

7. Your pizza order.

Pizza Margherita from Pizzana.

8. Must-follow foodie on instagram.

There are SO many great accounts…@thekoreanvegan

9. Favorite dessert.

Justin’s Mini Dark Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cups.

10. What do you make when you don’t feel like cooking?

Any kind of tacos.

11. Where do you grocery shop most often?

Whole Foods.

12. Three food staples in your household.

Lentils, Tofu & Tempeh.

13. Your ultimate comfort food.

Vegan Spaghetti Carbonara from Origano in Rome…Literally dream about it!

14. Favorite ways to enjoy Abbot’s.

Either as “Beef” bolognese or Chick’n tacos.

15. Your approach to cooking in 5 words or less.

Fresh, flavorful and beautiful.


Sloppy Joe Croissant


Chick’n Caesar Wrap


“Chorizo” Tacos